Progress so far
Current process
Set a grid of points
Use noise() to give the points a value
Create different layers by filtering out points below a threshold value
Use the DBSCAN function we just got working to create clusters of points in a layer
Use the gift wrapping function we followed some time ago
Repeat for all layers
Actually kinda digging the retro look snapping everything to grid gives, but for the next version I’ll want them placed randomly
Sometimes this crashes. Not sure why. When it crashes the console doesn’t works so I don’t really know what’s going on : /
To do
Learn to do concave hulls, because this is what we really want
Learn how to make B-Splines because they’re the softest and globby-est. p5’s curveVertex() uses Catmull-Rom splines and don’t look quite right for what I’m going for. Spline comparison
Get familiar with breakpoints to sort out these mysterious occasional crashes